Recognizing that women are disproportionately affected by poverty due to ingrained discrimination in the geographies where we operate, ALIVE applies a gender lens across its investment processes, from sourcing and screening through
diligence and deal execution.
In the post-investment phase, with all of our portfolio companies we deliver gender-focused accompaniment to help companies integrate a gender lens across their business practices.
Shortly after investing in uPlanner, an EdTech company that provides AI-driven educational management solutions to universities and other institutions across Latin America, we initiated a gender integration project, in collaboration with the gender experts at Value for Women.
Over about half a year uPlanner worked to implement a number of strategies to improve its gender performance, and then six months after the project's end we measured the results from that project.
This case study shares those compelling results, as well as the initiatives uPlanner implemented to achieve tangible positive changes for women across their operations.